Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hey Guys!!! I'm alive!!!

Sorry it's been so long since I last posted.  Life has been crazy, and this pregnancy has left me with little energy at the end of the day for blogging.  I miss it!!!

Yesterday I was asked to deliver the key-note address at my Alma Mater's National Honor Society induction ceremony.  It was a wonderful opportunity, and I felt blessed to be able to present there.  However, I realized some things, and I would ask for your continued prayers, as they concern me greatly.

A few thoughts of the day:

Thought #1:
My high school is a Catholic All Girls' High School.  It is run by a group of traditional sisters in full habit, who are directly under Rome and are not employed by the Diocese.  After giving my speech there, it came to my attention that this order, and the Church for which they live their vocation is under attack.  And tragically, they're being attacked from within.  There are many new lay teachers there now, and a spirit of rebellion exists binding them together.  The female student body is caught in the fray of this culture war.  It broke my heart to see it.  I must pray for the principal (my former eighth grade teacher, one of the sisters there) and the lay staff that work there. The school would serve the needs of its students much more if they selected teachers of good merit who upheld a good Catholic life regardless of their vocation.

Thought #2:
This country is headed for a civil war of greater magnitude and severity than the one fought over the cessation of the South.  This is a new battle over slavery - and its a slavery to this culture of moral relativism we face v the liberty that can only be had with the truth.  My girlfriends and I, in pondering the repercussions of my speech yesterday, began to ponder that.  The fight is between liberalism v. conservatism.  Anyone who thinks that's divided down party lines or religious affiliation are smoking something.  Nope,  this fight won't be clearly deliniated along state borders.  This will be a fight between neighbors, between families, between spouses.  Our un-bloody civil war has already been raging.  I pray it will come to a head without bloodshed.

Thought #3:
Why are feminists so unfeminine?  Why do women tout the power of women and yet dress like a man?  Why do women promote liberation through hormonal imbalances that directly effect their physiology (e.g. birth control)?  Why would a woman never tolerate being told they were worthless because of their sex, and not wanted or needed because of their gender, and yet they feel compelled to promote this view of men?  I've decided that I too cannot wait for sexism to die.  Because then and only then will feminism be laid to rest as well.  I'm not anti-woman.  I just realized a long time ago that if we are going to rise or fall as a society then it will be on the shoulders of us all, men and women.  I guess by those standards I've always been an equalist.  The problem with the feminist movement is that it isn't really a movement.  Females created the movement because they felt victimized without their "rights" as human beings.  The movement was established to empower these women, these "victims".  Victims do not need to gain power, they need to find healing.  Otherwise, there will not be a movement, there will only be a vendetta.  I feel the same way with racism.  I can't wait for racism once again to bury itself in the grave.  Not only because I, like my Irish ancestors, would never think of enslaving anyone based on their skin color, or race.  No, because when racism dies, then the fallacy of liberation theology can die alongside it.  Ugh!

Thought #4:
Our gym stage needs some new curtains.  The mustard yellow that's adorned the stage since the 70's is tacky and it has to go.

Thought #5:
Holy cow!!!  It's 3 a.m.!!!  Time for me to get back to bed....*yawn*...I'll be back on later!!!  Promise!!!


  1. Ha...the women you describe in thought #3 aren't real women, we call them "femi-nazi's". Real feminists were the women who fought for women to be recognized as persons and as valued members of society. Femi-nazi's are the ones you describe - those who hate men, yet dress like them. Those who fight tooth and nail, tirelessly for abortion, euthanasia, and have a very prevalent anti-life mentality. I have found that most of these folks have been hurt, very deeply by men in their lives, and are very angry. But that doesn't give them the right to put their ideals on people like me, someone who takes delight in being feminine. Thanks for the Post Patti. Missed ya!

  2. I've been thinking for a while that the map showing the next civil war will not look like one big section against another big section. Nope, the map will resemble the pattern on military fatigues. Lots of little sections all interspersed.

  3. Excellent post. I loved your thoughts! Sorry I have not been by lately..been busy trying to get school done so we can actually have a summer vacation :)
